Saturday, October 11, 2014

One Wild Friday Night

Originally this blog was going to be about fitness and feminism, but then I decided to dedicate my free time to another one of my passions, namely, food.

Columbia has tons of amazing restaurants, and after my 21 years of living here I think I have maybe eaten at 6. So once a week I will try a restaurant I have never tried before and blog about it.

Formosa Chinese Restaurant

It was kind of a dank rainy night on Friday. Not in the mood to go out (let's be honest, I never am), my plans consisted of curling up in bed with my laptop and catching up on some Brooklyn 99/Grey's Anatomy. And, of course, the perfect complement to an evening of hibernation is Chinese food.

I have been meaning to try Formosa for probably 5 years now, so it figured it was about time.

Not only do they have the option to order and pay online, they also send you text messages to let you know your order's progress. Yay technology! I decided to go with an old favorite- beef and broccoli.

I parked my car, dodged the bevy of frat guys and high heeled girls on their way to the bars, went up the stair case between Swank and Absolute Vintage, turned left and collected my bounty. One of the main reasons I love paying for food online is when you pick it up you feel like you're getting free food because they don't ask for money!

I'm sure everybody already knows this, but your drive home feels like it takes twice as long when you have take out sitting in the passenger seat. Yes it's a first world problem. Roll your eyes, scoff if you like, but it's true. If you drive 4 miles with a pizza in the car, it's going to feel like 8.

I did finally make it home. My patience had paid off.

I grabbed a fork, put on a hoody, curled up in bed and enjoyed my food.

I'm not going to say my life was changed by the contents of those two take out containers, but they satisfied my craving, and, all in all, that's all I wanted.

So if you're looking for some quick, satisfying Chinese food try Formosa! They do online orders and delivery through GrubHub, your order just has to be about $12 for delivery.

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