Friday, December 5, 2014

Coffee, and Gulash, and Rain Oh My!

While walking down 9th Street earlier this semester I overheard a guy say Cafe Poland has the "best chicken noodle soup ever". I made a mental note to visit the tiny stand alone
storefront, but I would wait until the perfect rainy day. A day so cold and dreary only a bowl of chicken could lift your spirits can warm you. Today was that day...but I blew it.

I have restaurant anxiety. If a waiter asks me what I would like to order before I have have a chance to look at the menu, I have this bad habit of just ordering the first thing I see instead of taking all of 30 seconds to read the menu.

I walked into the Cafe and was surprised to find the restaurant was actually smaller than it looked. Yes, smaller. There were only two other costumers chatting in the corner so my presence captured the waiters sole attentions. Perfect.

Even though I fully intended to order the amazing chicken noodle soup the random guy on 9th street unknowingly recommended to me, the first thing that caught my eye on the menu was gulash. I see now the chicken soup is right above the gulash on the menu and it's half the price. Obviously I need to be supervised when trying new restaurants. 

After stumbling through ordering and paying for my meal I took a seat and awkwardly took pictures of the restaurant. The two girls in the corner started making fun of me in Korean. I would just like to point out to anyone who cares enough to read this that just because you are speaking a different language does not mean your teasing goes unnoticed. The teasing continued as I took pictures of my food

I was very surprised by the presentation of my food. I am by no means hating on the paper plate. It's probably one of the greatest and laziest developments of the last half century. That said, I was not expecting my food to be presented on one.

The food was okay. It's nothing that, if taught, I couldn't make myself, but I don't feel right making a judgement seeing as I freaked out and ordered the wrong thing.

The coffee, however, was delightful. I consider coffee a staple in my diet. It's basically a food group.

I'll have to get back to you on my final judgement of Cafe Poland. For now, I recommend their coffee. Definitely their coffee. I'll have to wait for another cold rainy/snowy day to try their soup. Seeing as it's now December and we live in Missouri, that shouldn't take long.


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